Monday, September 3, 2012

The Trilisk Ruins and The Trilisk AI

I just finished reading both The Trilisk Ruins and The Trilisk AI.
Both of these were pretty small, but tight reads (200-300 pages), and at $6 for both, it was a pleasure to read a new author. I read and enjoyed the first enough to go straight into the second, which is unusual, but I couldn't resist.
The first was probably the better book, introducing new aliens and technology which is always fun. There was a switching between the alien point of view to the humans across chapters producing great contrast. This also made it difficult and quite interesting to work out just what the hell was going on for a while in the quite novel environment of the Trilisk Ruins.
The characters were ok, maybe a bit washed out, but they had their faults and challenges and individual goals, and the author was quite happy to kill many of them off too. That helps.
I'll definitely be interested to see more in the series.

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